Baja-Mex Electronic Assembly Services is located in San Diego with manufacturing operations in Tijuana, Mexico .
We provide contract assembly, consigned materials, product turn-key, circuit board & electronic contract manufacturing services.
Our capabilities include electronic & electro-mechanical assembly, wiring & cables, box builds, thru-hole & (SMT) surface mount PCB assembly services.
We offer scheduled, un-scheduled, small lot, and quick build capabilities.
Compared to the United States, our labor rates in Mexico are very competitive. Customer savings are typically 50% or more.

Our close proximity to the U.S./Mexico border allows us to provide quick manufacturing turns. Turnaround times including import-export & shipping can match those of many assembly shops in the United States.
We also provide shipping & receiving, materials kitting, import-export and trucking services from our warehouse in San Diego .
Experience, labor savings and quick turns make us an ideal choice for customers looking to reduce manufacturing costs, increase capacity, lower overhead, or help to meet demanding production schedules.
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Call/Text : 619-661-7117